Limelight & Lunacy and Better Red Than Dead
With choreography by Marie-Louise Flexen

Hub Collective present a Double Bill of high-class theatrical dance & entertainment, set within the vibrant atmosphere of music hall and cabaret. Expect a contemporary twist.

A guaranteed ‘good night out’ that will appeal to a wide audience of theatre-goers, film-buffs, book-lovers and culture-vultures alike.

Limelight & Lunacy
This appropriately named performance has assembled bawdy and absurd Victoriana to revel in the ridiculous.

A dig at the Victorian middle class, it pokes fun at the hypocrisies and contradictions of late 19th century decorum.

In a parlour game pastiche of Music Hall and specialty acts, Limelight and Lunacy explores the duality between what is ‘proper’ and what is naughty. Highlights include: mechanical Punch and Judy, scenes featuring Victoria and Albert, a Big Brother reality slideshow, hobbyhorse racing and levitating teacakes!

Better Red Than Dead
An unorthodox account of Little Red Riding Hood. The traditional fairy tale is transposed to bizarre dance theatre. Uncovering the darkness within the story, with inventive use of metaphor and some unforgettable imagery.

The character transformations and skillful use of poetry add to the unusual charm of, Better Red Than Dead.

Highlights include: Mothers weird shopping list; Red’s infatuation with a woodcutter mannequin and Granny’s trembling teacups


Concept & direction, Marie-Louise Flexen
Assistant director & sound design, Robert Cook.
Performers, Joelle Simpson, Robert Cook, Thomas Wilson & Marie-Louise Flexen

also touring to shunt, london