Hoo-Hah Poetry presents an absorbing night of poetry and music at SVA on Thursday, October 30th, featuring poets Sheila Simmons, and Kate Noakes with music from Oogoo Maia.

Sheila Simmons has been writing poetry since she moved to Stroud with her family in 1973 and she says that she “owe[s] a lot to the wonderful and encouraging poets” she met and worked with here.. Her first book, Take the Long View, was published in 1994. The Receding Corridor came out in 2004. She will be reading from her new collection, Flashes of the Lighthouse, which comes out in the Spring.

Kate Noakes (left) lives in Caversham, Berks. Her work has appeared in a number of small press magazines in the UK, USA, Canada and Europe. She was a prize-winner in the 2006 Poetry London competition and the 2007 Iota competition. She won the Cheshire Poetry Competition in 2007 and the Rhyme & Reason Poetry Competition in 2008. She has performed at the Poetry Society, The Big Chill, Glastonbury Festival, Nottingham Poetry Festival, Windsor Arts Centre and Hay Festival. Her first collection, Ocean to Interior, was published in 2007 by Mighty Erudite Press.

The music comes from Oogoo Maia, a Stroud-based artist who creates films, music, performances and environments that stimulate the senses and the intellect; that question authorship and ownership, and re-position the place of the performer and the place of the audience in the creation of art. He also plays traditional Brazilian music and will be blending his styles on the night to suit the moods created by the poets.

“Halloween may be the following day,” said Hoo-Hah organiser Adam Horovitz, “but there are better ways of raising spirits; listening to the fine poetry of Sheila and Kate and to Oogoo’s music is one of the best ways!”

The event takes place at SVA, John Street, Stroud on Thursday, October 30th . Doors open at 7.45 p.m. and the event starts at 8.15 p.m. Tickets are available on the door priced £6 or £4 concessions.

Hoo-Hah Poetry is supported by Stroud Town Council.